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While practising hypnotherapy in Oldham and Greater Manchester, I’ve seen many different clients achieve the results they wanted.

a good way to think about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is that we all have a mind, habits, think thoughts, and create images. You experience feelings, emotions, sensations and perceptions. There are two parts to the human mind that function in different ways but are not separate.  The conscious or waking mind and the subconscious or unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is the mind you use to think, evaluate situations and analyse information. It can only focus on a few bits of information at one time (researchers say 7-9 pieces of data).

The other part of our mind, the subconscious, is the part  of the mind that takes everything in all the time. It never sleeps or has a break. It stores memory; controls blood flow and breathing heals the body. It takes in the background scenery, sounds, people and up to 2 million bits of information.

Our habits, emotional patterns, thoughts, beliefs about ourselves and the world are stored in the subconscious mind. Just imagine getting up in the morning and doing your routine and having to consciously think about everything from breathing, washing, to what clothes to wear and how to dress and walk, it would be impossible.

During our lifetime, we have many experiences, both positive and, negative that are stored in the subconscious mind and can sometimes cause you problems. To create changes we have to access the subconscious mind,  at a deeper level where all your habits and most of negative ones are stored. Think of the mind as an iceberg and the conscious mind is 10% you can see above sea level and the subconscious is the other 90% below sea level that you can’t see.

The subconscious mind runs your life, but we can change things if we change what we put into the subconscious and create new patterns and habits, consciously.

Hypnotherapy, coming from the Greek word Hypnos, means sleep. It is a process of deep relaxation to quieten the conscious mind. You are aware of the state just before you fall asleep, but you’re still awake. It is the state of hypnosis that hypnotists use to access the subconscious mind.

The hypnotherapist then gives suggestions to the subconscious mind in various ways which allow the client to change subconscious behaviour patterns and access their inner resources, wisdom, problem-solving skills, creativity and potential. After just a few sessions, you will notice changes and begin to move forward with your life.

Hypnosis is a robust process that is very safe. We all go into states of trance many times a day, for example: while driving, watching a good movie or reading a book. In our sessions, you are aware of what happens and will be taking part in making the changes you want to go.

As long as you can pay attention and follow directions you can do hypnosis… easily.

Many conditions can be treated and helped with hypnosis:

  • Weight-loss
  • Confidence
  • Stress Management,
  • Depression
  • Fears and Phobias
  • Quit Smoking
  • Anxiety

Sessions will usually last around 1 hour or slightly longer, and you will notice results after the initial meeting with improvements increasing after every session leaving your mind,  body and emotions  relaxed and at peace.

Take advantage of your free 30-minute consultation with no obligation whatsoever. A chance to meet me and discuss your issues in a safe and relaxed space where I explain what we can do together and how I and my therapy sessions can help YOU achieve what you want.

Contact – 07739 970349

Email: [email protected]


Hypnosis can effectively treat Anxiety at Subconscious Level. Anxiety is just the Subconscious mind’s way of trying to keep YOU safe due to a previous subtle or gradual threat. Working with the Subconscious and updating the information it holds can assist you to release and let go of anxiety for good.  Contact Marcus for an Informal Chat.

Hypnosis can effectively treat Anxiety at Subconscious Level. Anxiety is just the Subconscious mind’s way of trying to keep YOU safe due to a previous subtle or gradual threat. Working with the Subconscious and updating the information it holds can assist you to release and let go of anxiety for good.  Contact Marcus for an Informal Chat.

Hypnotherapy is a process that involves a trained Hypnotherapist and a client; Hypno come from the Greek word hypnos meaning sleep BUT in Hypnosis, you are not actually asleep. You are in relaxed focussed state of mind where outside distractions are reduced to enable the clients mind to focus subconsciously on the idea of change wanted, and any associated methods, techniques of change that are employed by the Hypnotherapist to enable the clients subconscious mind to make the desired change you want.

Therapy is the process of treating a client or patient for a specific ailment of a physical, mental or emotional nature, thus assisting the client to heal.

When you visit a Hypnotherapist, they use psychological, emotional and physical methods to create the natural state of Hypnosis which allows them to work with your subconscious mind, and change unwanted negative psychological, emotional or physical habits patterns. Thus assisting the client to create the desired change, often very quickly in just several sessions.